Stijn Van Gaver is an Electrical Engineer at KH Engineering in Antwerp. In 2013, he started his first job as a Designer. Now, 9 years later, he has progressed to head of the electrical section within the E&I (Electrical & Instrumentation) department.
‘I got to know KH Engineering during a job fair at my school, the De Nayer Institute in Sint-Katelijne-Waver. What immediately appealed to me about KH was the variety they offered. At many of the other companies present, I would end up in a maintenance team, which didn’t really appeal to me. I wanted to design new installations; which was something KH could give me the opportunity to do.’
‘That variety actually became a reality as soon as I started at KH – and it’s still one of the aspects I like most about my job. You work for different types of companies, in different locations. Every project is different and every client has a different way of working. That keeps my job challenging.’
‘I am called in for both greenfield and brownfield projects. In greenfield projects, we look from scratch at how we can meet the customer’s requirements. I make the calculations, look at how we handle power distribution, where the boards will be placed to do so, the earthing design … Brownfield projects in turn start with an existing installation. The challenge here lies mainly in the fact that we have to take into account the current situation on site. For example, we recently had to install a transformer on the first floor, but the ramps on the ground floor were not strong enough to hold the forklift truck and the transformer. So then we had to look for a solution: bring the transformer in via the roof.’
‘What I like best about KH Engineering itself is the personal atmosphere. Our branch in Antwerp is the smallest of the three (alongside Schiedam and Amsterdam, nvd.). This means that I often work with the same people. That way, I know exactly what is expected of me and who has what know-how. I also have a very good relationship with my colleagues. KH itself contributes to this by regularly organising something fun, such as hot dogs or pizza at lunch or a casino night. Events are also organised on a corporate basis, i.e. across the branches. A short ski, the KH Engineering Water Day, a cycling weekend … Such moments are perfect for getting to know your colleagues in a different way.’
‘Finally, there is always room for dialogue at KH; you are not just a number. If, for example, you notice that you need specific training for a particular project, then this is actually heard. Or if, for private reasons, you would like to start your working day earlier or later, that is possible. This flexibility, as well as the opportunities for growth and variation, have made it a pleasure to work for KH Engineering – as it has been for the past 9 years.’
‘In addition, I found the growth opportunities at KH very interesting. I started as a Designer; Now, since the beginning of this year, I am in charge of the electrical section within our E&I department. I am involved in drawing up schedules, streamlining internal processes across our sites, I am the lead for many electrical projects … And I still have my own projects where I do the actual implementation work. So there is plenty of variety!’