‘I help everyone to bring out the best in themselves’

Annemieke Stierum, Discipline Manager CSA at KH Engineering

‘Matching the right people to the right project is one of my most important tasks’, says Annemieke Stierum, Discipline Manager CSA (Civil, Structural & Architectural) at KH Engineering. ‘That suits me well, because I love working with people.’

‘My department takes care of the civil, structural and architectural engineering of projects. This ranges from a tank terminal to a 380 kV high-voltage substation and everything in between. What is special about our work is that we are really at the start of a project. In the early stages, a lot is still unknown about the loads that the civil construction has to meet, but that is of course very important for the right end result. That is why we always have to get a clear picture of the client’s requirements and are in close contact with the other disciplines within KH Engineering.’

‘I joined KH Engineering in 2013 after the company I was working for went bankrupt. I started as a Lead Engineer and also worked as a Project Engineer for a few years. In that role, I learnt a lot from all the other disciplines in our company. In early 2019, I became Discipline Manager CSA. The main thing is that I gather the right teams for the projects we receive. A total of 38 people work in my department and I have to make sure that everyone can do their job well. In doing so, I help everyone to bring out the best in themselves.’

‘I consider the focus on the individual as an important task. That suits me well, because I love working with people. People who are happy perform better and I do everything I can to make that happen. Even if there are technical or personal problems, people can come to me.’

‘Over the past few years, we have managed to gather a sizeable group of people from different backgrounds into one well-functioning team. I am proud of that. We now have a solid team that is willing to help and in which people feel motivated and appreciated. I also pay a lot of attention to anniversaries. And the appreciation is mutual, as was shown when I recently celebrated my own ten-year anniversary with the company. I was surprised with a nice speech and a photo collage, which was very nice!’

‘My work week is not always entirely predictable in advance, but the main part consists of coordinating the projects in combination with the people who are available. I discuss this every Monday with the Lead Engineers in my team. I also talk with customers about incoming requests. Furthermore, together with the team, we make improvement proposals for the processes and working methods within the department.’

‘Over the past period, the focus of our work is shifting to projects in the energy transition. After all, sustainability is one of our key focus areas. Think of large-scale electrification projects, expansion of the electricity grid or the design of a new tank terminal for converting ammonia into hydrogen.’

‘Working at KH Engineering is highly recommended. It is a relatively small company, so people know each other and are willing to help each other. Also outside working hours: once or twice a year we do a fun activity with the department, such as a puzzle tour through Rotterdam, a dinner or a bowling night. And KH Engineering itself regularly organises fun and interesting activities for the entire company. This allows you to get to know colleagues from other departments.’