New business

You have a commercial opportunity and want to make the most of it. This may involve assessing the investment of a new asset or evaluating an existing production unit, building or infrastructure. KH Engineering is your independent advisor in this phase and has the expertise to support and further develop your business case. We do this as engaged engineers with a clear obligation to provide you with professional advice by immersing ourselves in your situation.

Curious about the opportunity’s that KH Engineering can offer with developing your business case? Please contact our New Business representative.

Kees Vonk | Commercial Manager

New business

The step from business case to project
The business case might include optimising your supply chain or increasing the efficiency of your installations, processes and buildings. Or perhaps you see opportunities in applying new technology or innovations and want studies made to clearly report their effects. By making use of KH Engineering’s years of expertise, we ensure that your investment is made correctly and responsibly.

By acting pragmatically, we map out the correct substantive aspects when determining a feasible or sustainable business case and also take into account the next decision-making phase. In consultation with your organisation, we identify the potential for improvement. This may include the primary and secondary production process, market developments, client needs, client business case, technology, business operations, costs and benefits, laws and regulations, and possible collaborations. By combining all of these activities, from advice to the execution of your project, we can offer a full-service solution.

KH Engineering has the expertise to corroborate your plans. Concept studies or Front End Loading are carried out complete with budget- and planning estimates, by using Monte Carlo simulations. To visualise the the scope of work, we enrich the 3D model with 4D/5D planning and costsimulations and add missing financial data via benchmarking. Value Management, Value Engineering or Lean, are employed to make choices  and optimise the design. The current themes in the context of sustainability, energy transition or new future developments in your sector will be put forward to contribute towards a clear picture of the parties involved.
KH Engineering’s efforts contribute to the following results:

  • Increased customer base or new collaborations
  • Use of the existing installation for new customers/processes
  • Energy saving or increasing sustainability
  • Raw material expansion or increased flexibility
  • Margin expansion
We look forward to meeting you to discuss your new business and developments, and to making your plans a reality. If you are interested in what KH Engineering can offer your organisation or if you would you like to know more about New Business engineering, then don’t hesitate to get in touch with us.
‘I have an opportunity and am looking for supporting evidence for my business case’

Safety & Compliance
