New energy Engels

Our engineers help industrial clients to achieve their climate goals. We develop solutions for saving energy, switching to renewable fuels and raw materials, reducing CO2 emissions and making new products based on recycling. In recent years, we advised on (large) projects in the field of CO2 capture, heat recovery and converting waste into new raw materials.

In doing so, we work with the latest technologies and excel at integrating new solutions into existing installations. We help clients in a pragmatic and transparent way to make their technical business processes more sustainable.

Scroll over the New Energy graphic for more information by cluster. Or contact us to bring your project to a structured, step-by-step conclusion together with all the parties involved!

New energy Engels
Biobased Economy Circular Economy (Renewable) Energy Infrastructuur Elektrificatie, Waterstof... Algemeen en strategisch

Biobased Economy

Biobased Economy
Biorefinery, value chains, bio-to-X, drop-in-chemicals
In the bio-sector there are numerous challenges to make the economy more sustainable, from implementing bio raw materials to bioproducts.

Circular Economy

Circular Economy
Separation, treatment, plastics, metals, waste-to-X
While recycling has been a common good for the past decades, new regulations favor intensive separation from materials to raw materials.

(Renewable) Energy

Renewable Energy
Energy sources, energy performance, electrification, hydrogen, CC(U)S, power-to-X, storage/peak shaving
Changing your energy source or avoiding CO2 emissions can be cumbersome, in this cluster we deal with all sorts of energy sources and carriers with the newest technologies.


Electricity & power, heating networks, energy distribution, powering hubs grid
A challenging subject is providing sufficient infrastructure for all the renewable energy projects with different sources and integrations.

Elektrificatie, Waterstof...

Hydrogen, CC(U)S, power-to-X, storage/peak shaving
Hydrogen can be produced sustainably with green energy through electrolysis. This without emitting CO2 into the atmosphere, making this process the basis for a carbon-neutral economy. As a result of the energy transition and further development of renewable energy, electrolysis and green hydrogen production are gaining importance.

Algemeen en strategisch

General and Strategic
Laws, regulations, subsidies, masterplan/roadmap, energy scan
While the energy transition seems technology driven, first the legislation, financing and roadmaps have to be designed.